First day of school was today and I was feeling all the emotions a mama could possibly feel in a time like this. Originally both kids were to do 9 weeks 100% remote learning but then there was a last minute opening at a school we applied to almost a year ago for Grayson. They’re beginning with 2 half days in school and 3 days remote. The class is divided into 2 groups to follow social distancing protocols.
First Day of School – Drop Off
This morning Grayson was so excited about school. Our car ride consisted of a non-stop conversation about making new friends, meeting his teachers and going to a new and big school. This was a decision that Floyd and I went back and fourth on. We agonized over our decision because his old school had a strong community but this school was a good school and was free. Most importantly we agonized over this decision because the obvious reasons associated with Covid. But, after his first day of school we are feeling better about our decision. The teachers at drop off were all so warm and welcoming that I felt okay dropping him off at a school that I’ve never seen the inside of. That sounds totally weird but considering the times it feels more normal than weird.
First Day of School – Pick Up
At pick up Grayson was safe and just as excited as he was at drop off. He spent the first couple hours talking about his first day. They had to wear a mask all day which I thought might be a bit hard for kindergarteners but he did it without a problem and said that he only took it off to eat lunch. He didn’t seem to mind any of the protocols and just focused on all the positives like being able to get out the house, be around his peers, learn from teachers and play at recess. I didn’t realize how badly he needed this until today. Man, seeing him so happy made my heart feel whole.
Lessons in Motherhood
Sometimes I forget just how resilient our kids are. They can handle hard things and they can adapt when needed. As a mom it’s hard to let go sometimes. Our intentions are good. We want to protect our kids but often we forget that they are not fragile, they are more resilient than we realize. When it comes to hybrid learning, we will continually assess our decision and respond accordingly. As for right now, Grayson is doing great and his first day of school went very well.
Whatever you decide, one thing is for sure – the decision will be hard. There is no right decision and we shouldn’t look down on the moms who made a decision that looks differently than our own. We’re all mothers at the end of the day just trying our best every day and praying every night that our best was enough.
How was your child’s first day of school?