Dear Teigan,
You are currently fighting your bedtime by running around the house. I can hear your sister fussing over someone messing up her stuffed animals and I know you were there. And just before I completed that last sentenced you were already on another adventure. You are now fussing in the dinning room because you want a sip from daddy’s water jug. You have no idea of the world right now.
The World Right Now is in a State of Unease
The world is in a state of unease but you have no idea. You are very content. I realize that most of your life has kinda been just us. In the beginning it was just me and you most days as I was on maternity leave and your siblings were in school and daddy was working. But, then 1 week after returning back to work I was in a really bad accident with your siblings. Thankfully you weren’t in the car – you were safe at home with daddy. It was 6 months of you and me most days as I was temporarily confined to a wheel chair. Then, 6 months after that Covid19 happen. We were all home trying to adjust to our new normal but for you it was the only normal you knew.
I am so happy you are little and we don’t have to try and find words to explain what is going on out there without terrifying you and making you anxious (like we did with your siblings). You my dear, are my silver lining. You are so full of joy that it helps me through my hardest of days.
Overnight, Our World Changed – The World Right Now
We have been mandated to stay home all except essential employees. That word essential makes me feel uneasy. I get it, but it makes me feel guilty being of those privileged to work while others are wondering if they’ll have a job to go back to. At the end of the day all jobs are essential to making a living and providing for loved ones. I can tell you, it feels really odd driving to work. The roads are vacant, playgrounds are empty and mostly everything is shut down. Silver lining is that the price of gas is down and toilet paper is coming back on shelves with restrictions. Sounds funny but toilet paper, baby wipes and hand sanitizer are really hard to come by these days.
Baby Girl, One Day We Will Tell You…
We will tell you about the pandemic and how the world was mandated to shut down. How we were isolated from each other and left to make our devices live up to their intended purpose and keep us truly connected and social through Zoom and FaceTime in hopes to feel connected with loved ones. We will tell you about the time when the world came to a standstill as we mentally waited for good news only to be told someone else died or another person got sick.
But we will also tell you tales of how this time made us slow down and truly be present amongst our family. We will tell you about Quarantine Pretzels and ongoing movie nights because everyday felt like Friday and Friday was family movie night. We will tell you about those extra special days when the air was filled with your giggles and we got to snuggle a little longer in the mornings. Most importantly we will tell you how we got the opportunity to watch you grow before our eyes.
I love you to the moon and back
Mama Bear