A gratitude journal is, quite simply, a tool to keep track of the good things in life. No matter how difficult and defeating life can sometimes feel there is always something good present – we just have to train our minds to see it.
There’s a saying, “if you are looking for salt, you’ll find salt”. I don’t know why but that always stuck with me. I believe what ever you are looking for you will find it – good or bad. Keeping a gratitude journal helps to look for the good.
I included positive affirmations because I believe that the brain is actually quite powerful – when we do positive affirmations we are telling our brain that we are capable. When we identify what will make today a good day we are telling our brain to look for cues to make it happen.
Morning and Evening Gratitude
The first part of the gratitude template is done in the morning. In the morning it prompts a grateful heart and activates the brain with positive affirmations. Positive affirmations tells the brain that it is capable. The brain in turn begins to identify cues throughout the day that will make for a good day.
In the evening it’s a more of a reflection of the day. To identify the things that made you smile and things that could have made today a better day. Many times we wake up with gratitude but then when something goes wrong we’ll write the whole day as a bad day. Truth, is that there are bad moments but there are also good ones throughout our day. This part of the gratitude template flexes our muscle to focus on the good. Once again, “if you are looking for salt, you’ll find it”.
Performing simple daily acts of gratitude can have a big impact on your health and happiness. It only takes a few minutes a day, but it can give you a lasting mood boost that can take you from feeling “okay” to feeling “great” on a more regular basis.
Do You Prefer Paper or Digital?
You can print my Gratitude Template or add it to GoodNotes (or other digital note app) for easy access – now who said you can’t have it both ways? “Not I,” said the Catt!
Last Thoughts…
This template is part of my morning/bedtime ritual. If you are interested in learning more about my morning ritual and how you can create one then head on over to 5 Step Morning Ritual to a Better Day I share my 5 step morning ritual that sets the tone of my day in a very good way.
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