Teaching during a pandemic is hard! My son has been doing a hybrid learning model but started virtual learning yesterday. While I was at work I received a text from my husband, “the teacher just said she doesn’t know what to do – she is so frustrated”. She chugged through the day and concluded the day by saying, hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Today went a little smoother. There was a glitch and the teacher once again became frustrated. My son responded, “it’s okay, just think like a scientist.” My heart almost bursted out of my chest when my husband told me. The teacher began to slow down and actually figured it out. A five year old extended grace so freely to his teacher and yet so many parents are lashing out because they didn’t sign up to be teachers. So there it is – my why that lead me to this thank you letter.
Dear Teachers,
I know this isn’t what you signed up for, and you are doing it anyway. You are learning new technologies and putting together distance learning plans. You are not just an educator, you ARE an educator, technology trouble shooter, caretaker and sometimes verbal punching bag for ungrateful parents. This is far from what you signed up for and I just want you to know that I see you! I know that you miss your students, classroom and the community that you nurture daily. But you should know this:
You’re STILL Teaching
Even though it may not feel like it sometimes, you’re teaching. The Zoom meeting that didn’t go as planned wasn’t a disaster but a learning opportunity. You taught the kids to keep pushing through and that it’s okay to fail and try again tomorrow.
The papers that you post on seesaw and send home for students just in case students don’t have printers – has taught them to flexibility and there is more than one way to accomplish a goal. Daily, your students are seeing perseverance in action.
You are finding ways to connect with your students with audio commentary and it means so much to them. They feel your words are encouragement and kindness. You are teaching them empathy every day. I know that these aren’t typical lessons but they are important now more than ever.
You’re Creating History by Teaching
2020 is unlike any other year and you are the first teachers to navigate through it. You don’t have all the answers but your students don’t expect you too. When you are feeling a bit overwhelmed please take a moment and remember that you are doing an important job. You are essential to our students and to our future. Remember, you are part of a large-scale systemic change – you’re making history!
It’s Okay To Miss Your “Normal”
So much happens within the walls of a classroom; community and bonds, laughter, high fives and hugs. It’s been a long time since you’ve been able to engage with your students that way and it ended so abruptly. It’s okay to miss your “normal” and to miss connecting with your students in a way that feels comfortable to you.
You are the Yoda of Teaching!
Yaas, you are Yoda – master Jedi! You’re still the expert. You may be struggling learning new ways of presenting information and ways to make it accessible for all students but you still have expertise. My husband and I are doing our best to support our children as they navigate at-home learning but you are doing the bulk of the work.
As a teacher you are able to meet students where they are by being multi-dimensional in your teaching. As parents we tend to be 1 dimensional in our teaching and it’s a challenge to meet our kids at a level that they can understand. They will often say, “My teacher doesn’t do it that way”. You have a valuable skill don’t underestimate it or discredit it by saying you are just a teacher.
The Bottom Line
You have a place in our kids’ lives. Although these words will not alleviate the day-to-day challenges you face I hope these words of appreciation adds a little light in your day. You are essential!
At the end of the day our kids don’t need perfection they need someone who is willing to show up for them.