“Don’t drink the bath water”
“1, 2…seriously, you going to make me say 3?”
“stop eating coins”
“Did you toot or poop?” (peeks inside diaper)
“Don’t eat the ant…oh, my gosh – you just ate the ant”
“Don’t touch the poop”
“Hold your pee” (holds private)
“No, you can’t wipe my butt. Wipe yours – it’s YOURS!”
“Don’t you dare wake her”
Motherhood Expectations vs. Reality
Some days this motherhood thing is crazy. Some days it’s hard and I realize that even after 3 kids I’m still not an expert. Each milestone feels familiar but new all together. Strangers are benchmarking my toddler’s progress with their kids and giving me unwanted advice. Some days this motherhood journey can feel lonely. Really, really, lonely.
Looking at those IG moms I’m thinking maybe I should have it figured out, but even after 3 kids I still don’t have it figured out. Maybe I should have a solid routine by now – but I don’t. Somedays I am thriving in motherhood. I work, come home and make a home cook meal that is eaten at the table. Other days I’m just surviving and serving boxed Mac and cheese and watching television. Somedays I wonder where did I go? The me who had it all together – who had life figured out. The me who wore stain-free clothes and perfume that didn’t have underlying notes of poop.
They made it seem so glamourous. They painted motherhood with nostalgic rainbow lens and wrapped it in pretty colored muslin swaddles. No one tells you about the hard days, the rainy days. The days when you feel lost and alone. The days when you are drenched because you are trying hard to shelter your littles from the rain.
Rewards of Motherhood
But then she hugs me real big, she laughs real hard or simply falls asleep in my arms. We need each other. In those moments I realize that was all I needed – a moment. I breathe it all in and I’m ready to do it again. Through the next milestone, we’ll get through it together.
This motherly love is bigger than words can explain. This is motherhood beyond the dreamy nursery and airy baby’s breaths.
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